Every floating point number
This is a complete list of every decimal number a computer can represent.
Floating point includes a wide range of positive and negative numbers as well as a couple of special values: positive and negative infinity, NaN (not a number), and negative zero. Computers typically work with 32- and 64-bit floats — the more bits you use, the more precise your calculations will be.
When a computer stores a number, there are two main formats: integers and floating point numbers. Integers are represented as strings of binary digits, but floating point follows a standard format specified by IEEE 754. Floating point numbers are how computers store numbers with decimal digits, like 0.5 and 9.0. For example, 48 in scientific notation is 4.8 × 101. In base 2, it would be 1.5 × 25.
This table shows every number's exact value, which can be outrageously long. The largest 128-bit float has 4,933 digits!
Have you ever encountered the infamous 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.30000000000000004
bug? Many people think floating point numbers are "fuzzy", but they're not: each and every one has an exact value. It's just not the value you might expect. Try looking for 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 in the table. They're not here! Floating point numbers are actually rounded in base 2, and these rounding errors are what cause this unexpected behaviour. Here's the analogous situation in base 10:
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